The influence of the male authority system in the foundation of Parvin Etsami's thoughts from the point of view of Pierre Bourdieu's sociological theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature of Mohaghegh Ardabili University

2 Associate Professor Persian Language and literature. University of Mohaghegh Ardabili. Department of Persian Language and Literature. Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages. Ardabil. Iran.



With the emergence of the constitutional revolution in Iran, Iranian women became more aware of their rights and position and became more willing to work in social fields. In the meantime, by writing critical poems, Parvin Etisami became the voice of women who were deprived of many rights and isolated throughout history under the rule of the patriarchal system. Parveen criticizes social injustices in his poems and criticizes the difficult situation of women in the society. According to French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) in his book "Male Dominance", women also participate in this domination over themselves and become complicit with the dominators. Because during a historical process, social actors institutionalize the male point of view in the form of self-evident beliefs (doxa) in men and women and make the acceptance of such a point of view appear natural in the mentality of society. The purpose of this article is to analyze the perspective of male authority in the world of thought and poems of Parvin Etisami based on the sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Therefore, with the descriptive-analytical method and using Bourdieu's sociological foundations, he examines the effects of male authority in the world of Parvin's thoughts and poems. According to the findings of this article, although Parvin criticizes male authority in some of his poems, in general, he has a dual and paradoxical position in this field. By following the style of the poets of the past, he aligns himself with the institution of male literature. In his poems, women's spiritual and emotional details are not so prominent, and his language features are not distinguished from men's language. It seems that male authority has taken root in the unconscious depths of Parvin's mind.Abstract


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