Women Representation in Persian High School and Primary School Books

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Azad Islamic University, South Tehran Campus

2 MA Persian Language and Literature, Azad Islamic University, South Tehran Campus


Today education as one of the most important educational institutions has a very
prominent role as the alternative for improving of the cultural and moral education.
This stitution can provide content with appropriate method can cause evolution of
society and warranty a bright future hopefully. The research ahead, with the purpose of
studying the image of women in the persian book of the junior high school and high
school, parameters like: pictures, attributes, features, the role and position, presence
and influence criteria distinct from the woman in the books of this round of the perusal
and analysis. In these eras physical presence of women and girls in persian books is so
weak in comparison with men and boys. so that less than 17% of images and paintings
of these books are about women and girls.
In result some adjectives that intriduce women remarkably is less than men. Most
of the related adjectives with men is in recognizing fields and some of them is in social
and moral fields such as: wisdom and hard working curiosity and braving and
mainliness and exc. While most of the adjectives that discribs women is in social and
moral fields such as kindness, cleanness sacrifice and exc. Totally the results of
researches shows that the persion books in junior high school and high school levels
containes sexual cliches and they aren't able to show the social role in women and men
through content. There for must notice that these books needs to amendments and
