Neoclassicism in the Taghee Raf’at Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 M.A. Persian Language and Literature, Semnan University


Neoclassicism by common means taboo release to revival of style and to have in mind
to fast literature. And in spite of different s in the scares containing, is more often
inclined to those classic principles, constitution poem in opposite of past poem’s of
constitution is those neoclassicism in opposite of classic system. neoclassicism
school’s principles is being imitation from nature, from the ancients, from the mind
and wisdom, abridgment and clarity, fact showing, graceless and three unity rules.
That can see these principles in the time of constitution poems. The constitution poem
is in opposite of the poem before neo classicism constitution in opposite of classicism.
In the constitution poem all of the classic elements be explanations by the new basis.
Models. Taghee Raf ’at is one of the effective character at the constitution time, that
inspection of neoclassicism principles in his poems is very difficult with notice to
some pomes that is received from he to our. Therefore, one of the Neoclassicism
principles in the constitution poem and Taghee Raf ’at’s poem is imitation from worth
nature of mankind that is paid at social problems with support on positive human
purities. Notice to woman place in the society and problems connected with them are
to show the fact at the constitution time in the Raf ’at’s poems. But the most main
basis from neoclassicism principles that is became visible in the Raf ’at’s poem, is
imitation from mind and wisdom that be guides him by change in to ancient style
poem. But the inspection of neoclassicism principle, in some poems that is received us
from Raf ’at resultes to us that the constitution poem is that neoclassicism.
