Psychoanalysis Critique of Characters Novel Symphony of Dead Based on the Theories of Sigmund Freud and His Disciples

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of Academic Board and Assistant Professor, al-Zahra University

2 Researcher at the Institute for Islamic Arts


Is article reviews the context of the research about psychoanalysis characters novel
Symphony of Dead effect Abbas maroufi. He is the author of the new psychological
stories, story to name in English literature "Stream of consciousness story flow" or
"Internal monologue" is read. maroufi makes reference to childhood memories Story
characters In order to pay their problems and Internal conflicts. This study analyzed
mental disorders characters of the story Symphony of Dead based on the theories of
psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and his disciples. Originally a paper summary And at
the novel have continued to analyze the character psychological the "Aydin", "urhan"
and "Surmelyna" based on Freud's theories about of the mind and personality
structure, and impact of complex instinct sex individual in nature is discussed. The
final section of this paper is devoted to conclusions
