Special Visual and Verbal Musical Effects in the Book Second Millennium of Mountain Deer

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Kharazmi University

2 Ph.D Candidate, Razi University of Kermanshah



A series of factors distinguish the poetry from everyday language, tone and balance through the resurrection of the musical language of words are called musical groups, which in turn, has factors such as the external, lateral, internal and spiritual music that is more or less known. But it has some unknown factors too which can only be felt and sometimes are visual, adding to the pleasure the reader gets from reading the poem. Shafiei Kadkani, a great contemporary poet has paid special attention to the poetic music and has used various musical poetic effects. Shafiei Kadkani is a great expert in poetic music and that he knows well about the coordination between music, emotion and meaning of poetry and the great effect of these factors on the understanding and pleasure of the readers. Given the above said facts, the question is what elements are effective in the music of Kadkani’s poems other than already known ones?
This paper aims at examining other unknown musical factors in poems of the Shafiei Kadkani that are felt and somehow play a role in creating, strengthening or changing the poetic music in his works. By studying all the poems in the book Second Millennium of Mountain Deer, it is concluded that visual musical elements such as cuts within the hemistich and verbal elements such as archaism are very effective in the music of poems by Shafiei Kadkani.


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