The Evaluative Study of Political Themes of the Poems by Sepideh Kashani and Nazik al-Malaika

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies



In the sociology of literature as one of the branches of sociology of art studies, the composition and function of literature and the relation between society and literature, the external elements are mostly considered when analyzing literary works. From this viewpoint, the literature of every nation can present hypothetical illustrations from existing realities and provide general points of society’s history as a social document for researchers and thinkers in this field. In the present study, political poems of Sepideh Kashani and Nazik al-Malaika (two of the Persian and Arab modernist poets) are analyzed by using a descriptive-analytic and statistical method. The analysis indicates similar political themes like war and related issues, which refer to political events, political issues of other countries, important political figures, women, struggle, etc. in the poems of both poets. The results reveal the differences between the two poets which are due to the special environmental conditions of both of them. Undoubtedly, both poets are influenced by social and political contexts of their own time. In addition, referring to active participation of women in social and literary fields can be a clear confirmation of literature’s social theory.


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