Modernity in Manuchehr Atashi's Poem Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2 Master of Persian Language and Literature



At resent centuries and following of Iranians communication with western countries and attempt to modernize Iran in varius industrial, military, instructional and cultural areas, and so, Iranian broad-minded acquaintance with western reflectives, modern thoughts have remained great effect an all of us-Iranian lives spaces specially art and literature. Iran's today poem, also at constitutional period, starts its direction toward change and transition by some poet's new searches. So that, "Nima Youshij", as a "father of new Persian poem" establishes a new foundation at Persian poem area which later, his followers and same-minded men follow his path. By being more complicat political, cultural and social occasions and broad-minded and translators acquaintance with modern world poem, some poets go beyond Nima's bteaking with tradition and destroyed completely the Nimaian's poem structure and looking for a new circulation in today poem. This study seeks to answer the question that; is introduction of "Manouchehr Atashi" (Sorna) with modern west literature cause to influenced him and reflects that thought and feauters in his poetry and his thoughts or not? And if yes, to what extent this introduction has effected on Atashi’s poetry?
The result of paper is Manouchehr Atashi’s familiarity with literature and poetry and poets of West has tangible and fundamental change on his ideas and his poetry, In a way that utilizes this view and fresh insights to the world, he has become one of avant-gard poet in this field in Persian poetry and these effects in the linguistic levels (nominal) and the content of his poetry is remarkable.


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