Link between Iranian Hafiz and Principles of Modern Western Criticism

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of the Persian Language and Literature, Buali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran



If we do not consider knowledge of the literary theories obligatory for every student and researcher who works in the world of literature, we should at least consider lack of knowledge in this regard a manifest deficeit.
World literature today is studied based on theories, traditions, and schools of thought. This helps our literary and philosophical understanding of the text. In this article we have made an attempt to approach Hafiz with the help of some well-known principles and ideas of Western critics, and reread Hafiz based on those ideas and principles. In this reading, we will deal with Hafiz comprehensively from the perspective of the principles of Classicism, Formalism, Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, and political literature. Finally, we conclude that Hafiz poetry is a leading, comprehensive, encyclopaedic, lively and dynamic text.


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