Light and Gloom City in Sohrab’s Poem

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Persian language and literature, Tehran-Markaz Azad Islamic University

2 ** PhD Student, Persian language and literature, Tehran-Markaz Azad Islamic University


In Iranian worldview, there is two special world, i.e. light and gloom world. These two worlds are taken from Zarathustra’s valuable instructions. According to the instructions, the universe is divided into two parts; one part is under Ahura’s authority and the other part is under Ahriman’s authority. Such thinking is still used, because it influenced many beliefs and schools. We can clearly see the reflection of these two worlds in Sohrab Sepehri’s poems. In order to picture the light world, which in comparison to the gloomy world is a virtual one, Sohrab used both Iranian and Islamic elements. He has designed the light city based on immense lightness, Iranian utopia, and garden pictures taken from Islamic instructions; an outlook that of course before him has been existed in mystical texts.
