The Study of Nostalgia in Manoucher Atashi’s Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2 M.A., Persian language and Literature


The wistfulness and remembrance of the past bring about sadness and sorrow for people. A feeling of pleasure and sometimes slight sadness at the same time as one thinks about things that happened in the past, a contrast between the present and the past is reflected on nostalgia or sadness and loneliness. What causes nostalgia in people is the separation from the origin, social, cultural, and political status as well as today’s chaotic life. It is said that this unconscious behavior can be manifested through a common feeling among all the people. Nostalgia is one of the main themes of contemporary Persian poems. Manoucher Atashi is one of the contemporary poets who have frequently used nostalgia in his poems. Being familiar with great poets and the scholars along with his living conditions, social status, and his strong feelings and thoughts, Atashi’s sense of nostalgia has been excited. By applying Young and Freud’s ideas, the researchers studied Atashi’s poems as far as the elements of invoking nostalgia are concerned.
