The Comparison of City and Village in Gheisar Aminpour and Joudat Fakhroddin’s Poetries

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Assistant Professor, Tehran University


It is impossible to deny the effects of rapid economic, cultural and social changes on modern literature. Romanticism, with its tendency to the nature and its love to natural simple elements which is consistent with human nature, is an effort to leak in the metaphysics. Among different elements of this school, “village” as a symbol of returning to human original nature and noble virtues, and city as a symbol of the distortion, solitude, remoteness and crowdedness, has been present in many poets’ approaches with various nations. In this research, we have tried to compare the view points of modern Iranian and Arab Poets - Gheisar Aminpour and Joudat Fakhroddin – in order to investigate the effects of Romanticism tendencies on them, because they have so many common backgrounds.
