Reflection of Fight against Colonization in Malek-O-Shoara Bahar and Ahmad Safi Najafi

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


The early twentieth century was a special era for Arabs. Because Arab countries still did not get rid of the Ottoman tyranny and at the same time, they were caught in a foreign colonization and became foreigner’s protégé. Among these countries, Iraq was of particular importance, so it was noticed by Britain colonial government. After that, some revolutions and movements were formed in the country and the protests escalated. Iran, however, had different situation. Although Iran was not a colony, colonizers had extra authority on it, because of its especial strategic situation and underground reserves and also neighboring former Soviet. The colonization of these lands made Muslims to protest against their cruelness. Different groups of people, ranging from politicians to intellectuals, reacted against them. At this time, some noble poets, especially Bahar and Safi Najafi, fight with colonization, using pens and poets as their weapons. In this paper, we used context analysis approach to investigate their methods in fighting colonization.