Deliberating the causes of emergence and development of the left wing Marxism literature in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 persian literature.salman farsi university.kazerun.iran

2 persian literature dept. Faculty of literature & humanity. Salman Farsi university of Kazeru. Kazerun. Iran.



The entrance of the Marxism’s’ left-wing idealism in the early 14th SH in Iran, has been the source of extensive changes in all cultural aspects and particularly in literature. The fruit of such thinking stream was a newfound literary school which was based on Marxism-Leninism perspective that due to some factors, evolved and developed swiftly. To such a degree that the majority of authors, poets and translators got interested in such school of thought and a great number of significant literary works that shape the body of the Iranian contemporary literature, were created under the influence of Marxism ideas. In order to answer the question that what factors caused the development and growth of the left-wing literature in Iran this writing suggests two general factors of social backgrounds and intellectual infrastructure and with regards to historical documents tries to outline components such as The social backgrounds arising from the constitutional revolution, the victory of October 1917’s revolution, the alteration of Iran’s relationship with the mighty neighboring country and the extended activity of left-wing parties, provided the opportunity for the emergence and the development of the Marxism-Leninism ideology as the infrastructure of the left wing literature in Iran. Additionally, based on literary works we would try to prove this claim that the elements of left-wing literature like realism, protestation, modernism etc. were in alignment and with correspondence to the needs of the Iranian society which required a new and a pioneer literature for the process of its’ structural change and provided the backgrounds for growth and expansion of the left-wing literature in Iran.


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