Formulation of orphan archetype in the realism literary style of Iran's 1960s and 1970s (case study: The Patience Stone, The Mourners of Bayal, The Neighbors, Abshuran, Missing soluch)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of persian language and literature.Tarbiat Modares University

2 Art Research.Art Faculty. Sooreh University. Tehran



The literary style of realism without any judgment in simple language familiarizes people with the contradictions, beliefs and realities of society. The content of these works can provide useful and practical information for the mental development of individuals and societies. Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung's archetypal theory also familiarizes us with collective unconsciousness. Collective unconscious contents are ancient constant and repetitive archetype that are activated by external actions and flow from the unconscious level to the conscious level. From Jung's point of view, literature is one of the sources by which archetypes can manifest their nature. According to this theory, Carol S. Pearson, an American researcher, introduces twelve archetypes. Orphan is one of these archetypes. This archetype is activated in the collective unconscious part of the psyche by people facing oppression, discrimination and frustration and ultimately brings realism to them. In this research, five realist works of 1960s and 1970s of Iran’s realistic literature were investigated by descriptive-analytical method from the perspective of orphan archetype. Based on the obtained results, the realism literary style which represents oppression and injustice in societies, is a suitable platform for displaying an orphan archetype. An archetype that is activated by rejection and oppression and emphasizes realism.


Pearson. Carol, (1998). “The hero within, six archetypes we live by” _3rd edition. HarperCollins.
Mark. Margaret, carol s. Pearson (2001). “The hero and the outlaw’s”. McGraw. hill companies.