Critical discourse analysis (CDA) of Satirical Works of "Sky and String" by Iraj Pezeshkzad and "Notes Without History" by Javad Mojabi, Based on the Van Leeuwen Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran Iran



This study tries to deal with the effect of political, social, and ideological currents, and power relations on the discourse of selected satirists' works, and the degree of their words' explicitness and implicitness. These satirical works were written between 1953-1978. Moreover, this study aims to analyze the effect of various events and currents of this period such as coups, the spread of the discourse of absolute Pahlavi modernism, the expansion of political restrictions on Satire's discourse, and the words' explicitness and implicitness of mentioned satirists. Using components of Van Leeuwen's model such as categorization, impersonalization, nomination, etc., this article examines the methods of representing actors in satirical works and explains and analyzes their relationship to the prevailing powers and ideologies. The research results show that the implication of categorization has the highest frequency in all works; as satirists represent most actors based on their occupation, social status, gender, etc. By applying the exclusion component, they avoid criticizing the institution of the monarchy and clericalism. This can be justified by factors such as the prevalence of the discourse of absolute Pahlavi modernism, Shiite resistance, lack of political development, fear of the danger of excommunication of clericalism, and the precautionary thinking of these satirists. Furthermore, the explicitness and application of the nomination component are often reflected in the field of cultural, literary, and social satire.


  • Van Leeuwen, Theo (1996). The Representation of Social Actors. InCaldas-Coulthard,Carmen Rosa and Coulthard, Malcolm(Eds), Texts and Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis. London and New York: Routledge.
    • Van Leeuwen, Theo (2008). Representing Social Actor. Discourse and Practice:New Tools For Critical Discourse Analysis. Oxford: University Press.