Narrative of the travelogue of Nim Dang Pyongyang Based on Jaap Lintvolt's theory

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Literature PNU University



The travelogue can be studied and analyzed as one of the types of narratives. Nim Dang Pyongyang's travelogue by Reza Amirkhani is the result of his two trips to North Korea. In this travelogue, unlike conventional travelogues, field visits and descriptions of places and anthropological experiences, etc., have not taken place. It focuses on the discovery and understanding of North Korean man in the form of travel writing.

The answer to the question of how a travelogue can be formed without field visits and the conventional method of travel writing should be sought in the narrative method of this travelogue. Different perspectives can be opened from the perspective of different theories on the narrative method of this work. After examining the characteristics of this travelogue and the active role of the author, adapting and analyzing this work based on Jaap Lintvelt theory (based on "point of view" and "functional confrontation between narrator and actor"). Focuses) was found appropriate.

The result is that the narrative in this travelogue is the same and the narrator, as the actor or the main character or the main hero, is the center of the narrative; The perceptual-psychological, temporal, spatial, and verbal foundations all indicate that although the author also pays attention to the contemplative narrative, the dominant method is the active narrative.


منابع و مآخذ
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