The conflict between fictional realism and history in the novel "An Old ‎Case" by Reza Joulayee based on the views of Jean-François Lyotard

Document Type : Research Paper


1 payame noor

2 Associate Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature - Payam Noor



The historical novel is a general outline of the influence of a historical period, ‎and the author's knowledge of history can strengthen the author's internal ‎power to create a social or political narrative in the midst of history. Reza ‎Joulayee is one of the writers who writes based on history and real events. In ‎his novels, he puts real heroes and characters next to fictional characters. The ‎novel "An Old Case" is a story of the linguistic communication of people who ‎gathered in a historical period to pursue a goal. The hero of the story, who is ‎one of the political figures of Mohammad Reza pahlavi's era, is killed by ‎some people. In this novel, truth and history together make a narrative so that ‎the reader can search for the cause of the events in the discourse that prevails ‎in the story. This article, which is written in an analytical-descriptive method, ‎seeks to extract the ideology and society of that historical period and the ‎relationships between those in power and those who Submissive to power, ‎based on Lyotard's views based on language games and the sublime. In the ‎end, it has been concluded that the author was able to convince the audience ‎with each sub-narrative to understand more of the historical events that were ‎transferred to the next generation in the grand narratives by written works, and ‎put him on the path of the realistic sense of the story.‎


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