Logocenterism and postponement of meaning, the Dominant Element of Abu TurabKhosravi’s Works

Document Type : Research Paper


1 literature Phd / literature and humanities Faculty of Qom university

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Qom, Qom, Iran



"Dominant" or "dominant element", as one of the main concepts of formalism, is a prominent component of any work of art that affects other components and elements and causes their transformation.One of the most important elements of postmodernism is the recognition of text identity, which has been multiplied due to postponement and lack of fixation of meaning.The text and the author, as the main subjects, always try to present different readings according to the textual nature and identify the unique identity of the tex and recognizethe unique identity of the text. Therefore, it can be said that written identity is one of the characteristics of postmodern fiction.Abu TurabKhosravi is one of the writers who can be considered the postponement and non-establishment of meaning as the most important "dominant element" of his works.

It seems that the metanarrative, the subjectivity of the text, the author's dialectic with the characters, the numerous recreations of an event,deviation from logocentrism and instability of meaning are the characteristics of his works.The result of the research shows that in his works, the narrator and the narrative are both influenced by the importance of the text and its subjectivity, which leads to the instability of the signifier and the signified, and consequently to the uncertainty of the meaning.


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