Recitation of ancient poetry in the postmodern novel The Man of Everlasting Concern From Mohammad Ayoubi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduated from Shahrekord University with a PhD in Persian Language and Literature

2 professor, departemt Persian language and literature, university shahrekord

3 assistant professor department Persian language and literature, college literature and liberal arts, university shahrekord




The recitation of ancient poems in contemporary Persian novels has a different function according to the style of the story and the school of the author; As in postmodern Persian novels, ancient Persian poems have been used to create incoherence, timeliness and change in historical characters. According to this point, the purpose of the present study is to investigate the function and role of the reflection of ancient poems in the novel "The Man of Always Anxiety" by Mohammad Ayoubi by documentary method. The results of the research show that Ayoubi, using this technique in the novel, has created polyphony and by using certain poems from Shahnameh, he has portrayed a helpless and hopeless character of Ferdowsi. Also, the martyrdom of characters such as Bijan to the poetry of Manouchehri and Ferdowsi to the poetry of Hafez and Saadi, has led to a kind of aphorism in the story and the narrative aspect of the novel has been highlighted. Ayoubi has also highlighted issues less important than her life in literary history by selecting marginal poems about Ferdowsi's life.


 Hutcheon, Linda (1988) A Poetics of Postmodernism, New York: Routledge.
---------------- (1989) The Politics of Postmodernism, New York: Routledge.
 White, Hayden (1978). Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism.
Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press.