A Study on the Structural Configuration of Manouchehr Atashi's Poem "Vasvaseh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Persian language and literature, Humanities faculty, University of Isfahan

2 Department of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan



The structure is the organizing principle on which the basic elements of the text are ultimately interpreted. Thus, literary critics have always paid attention to it. Nevertheless, it seems that despite the researches that are focused on structuralism and the importance of the general structure of poetry, there is no systematic research that deals with the configuration or the general structure of Atashi's Poem. Therefore, in the present study, an attempt has been made to use a descriptive-analytical approach to extract the various relationships between the components of a structure. In this research, accordingly, we first provide the theoretical bases of the configuration and relying on such principles as visual symmetry, syntactic symmetry, and nonstructural cohesion, we read Manouchehr Atashi's poem "Vasvaseh" and try to clarify the factors which lead to the special configuration of its general structure. In this research, it is revealed that the poet applies such principles in the configuration of his poetry. That is why, the reader encountering a poetic text, while thinking on the devices available in the text, comes to an understanding of the work


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