Analysis of the Concept of "Alienation" in the Stories of Gholam Hossein Saedi Based on Marx's Dialectical and Historical Materialism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 student

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Lorestan University. Iran

3 Professor of Lorestan University




The theory of alienation accepts a fixed point that there is a complete unity between existence and human nature, while if the two are in struggle, existence becomes separate and alien from human nature. Marx's historical materialism, which seeks the reasons of all social portents in material relations and social conditions, sees the cause of this alienation as the contradiction between the forces of production and the relations of production. In this situation, objectivity controls human relationships and stops objectification and mental expansion. In this research, with the method of library study and qualitative analysis of the text, we first found cases of alienation in Saedi's stories, and then, relying on Marx's historical and dialectical materialism, we analyzed why and how its material details. The premise of the article is that in his stories, Saedi sees alienation, as well as metamorphosis, as the product of a conflict between the personalities of people alienated from work, capital, means of production, bureaucracy, division of labor, and the social conditions in which they live and possess.


37-  Marx, Karl (1906) Capital: A Critique of Political Economy; vol. 1, translation made by Samuel Moore and Edward Avelin; New York: Modem Library press.
38-   Marx, karl & Engels, Frederick (1888) "The Communist Manifesto", translation made by Samuel Moore; New Yourk, Monthly Review Press.