Dense poetry Analytical Manifesto of Iranian Free Short Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman



Important literary currents have historically been identified by their names. The contemporary era has encountered new currents due to events such as: global communication, translation, historical study of literature and awareness of some new literary knowledge. One of these currents is free short poetry, the emergence of which can be considered in Iran under the influence of the above factors, in addition to the modern world of brevity and the taste of the audience.

The acceleration of the spread of this trend among contemporary poets caused some scattered opinions and letters to be mixed. Some anonymous or lesser-known poets have also been able to take good steps in the evolution of this current, so much so that at a glance it can be claimed that this current can define itself on a global scale. But the most important damage to the world plan of this movement is the confusion of opinions, the lack of a fixed definition and the literary manifesto. This article tries, while criticizing and analyzing the proposed names, to suggest a new name that includes all sub-categories of this movement, and finally, according to the prominent poems, regardless of the names and fame of the poets, outlines the structure of this type of literature. Provide


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