Capital, character and field of literary production in Salman Herati's poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran

2 Master of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran



The sociology of literature, which studies the production and social consequences of literature, as an interdisciplinary science, is related to literature, linguistics, and philosophy on the one hand, and to the social and historical sciences on the other. . Since after the victory of the revolution, sparks were created in social poetry and the social poetry of the revolution was formed as a powerful and well-established current, this study tries to use Bourdieu's theory of character and field and qualitative-descriptive analysis method. To examine the three main components of character, field and capital in Salman Herati's poems. According to the results of this research, Herati poetry as a poet's action is the result of the relationship between his character and position in the political, social and literary fields. As a revolutionary poet, in some of his poems he criticizes and protests against the unhealthy state of society, the class distance existing at that time, and Westernism. In the meantime, poetic acts with the theme of love and affection towards the Imams, the Supreme Leader, the martyrs, etc. have been used more prominently.


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