Representation of "body" in the play “Chub be Dast-haye Varsail” by Gholam Hossein Saedi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University,Shiraz

2 Assistant profs at Department of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University

3 Assistant Professor at college of Fine Arts, University of Tehran



The concept of "body" goes beyond a set of organs and functions that are regulated by the laws of anatomy and physiology. The body, above all, has a symbolic structure that provides a medium for the projection of cultural forms in their broadest forms. In this study, examples of this assumption will be followed in the study of plays produced in the Iranian dramatic literature of the Sixties and Seventies. An era that was accompanied by fundamental changes. In the mid-1970s, two-thirds of the country's population was young people under the age of 30. The country's education system also grew slightly to threefold. Influenced by the "post-colonial" discourse that flourished after World War II, this broad class at one point turned to the leftism; And turned to jihad in opposition to the regime of the time. The objection manifested in the literary / artistic productions - which are considered works in praise of the mass uprising -. This resistance is manifested in different levels of works; Among these, the "body" will be considered in the present study. Among the works of Art/Literary, an outstanding play by Gholam-Hossein Saedi, “Chub be Dast-haye Varsail” will be analyzed. In order to analyze the various aspects of the "body" in this play, first of all "gender; Appearance" is considered. In the next part, "body movements", and after that, "body stillness and creating illusion and imagination of movement" and its implications will be discussed. Finally, we will consider a topic that is specific to this play. the unique aspect of ‘body’, which has shown itself in the "Metamorphosis of the body”. Results indicate that the process of emphasis on the certain dimensions of body, helped the writer to alienate some characters. This process is possible by usage of the body's capabilities, for example by transforming shape of the body towards the animal figure.


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