A criticism study of khon asham Story collection with the "new historicism" approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili



Although literature originates from the contents and ideals of a nation, but it is not limited to its mere use, and creative actions in this field lead to the creation of a new world. Thus, in addition to being influenced by its cultural and historical context, each literary work also can the ability to influence it. New History is an approach that aims to convey this idea and Emphasis on "Text is considered as history and history is considered as text". As the first experience of the horror genre in the field of Iranian children and teenager literature, the khon asham story collection, by moving imaginary characters on the real world stage, makes the audience watch the real life and its existing discourses in order to increase their level of awareness of the surroundings, It prepares them for face the dangers and threats that awaits them when they first enter. Thus, using a "new historicist" approach, the khon asham story collection has a lot of remarkable capacity for review. This research seeks to explain by qualitative analysis method and using library studies based on complete induction, can reveal hidden or silent meanings or weak voices of the text in order to reveal the power relations in the text by highlighting the existing discourses and show that how the text of the discourses of its time is influential and reciprocally effective in creating new discourses. As a result, the study states that destiny and patriarchy and the unequal gender distribution of power in the family are the dominant discourses and the discourse of "love", especially love of land and homeland are also among the main discourses of this work.


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