Investigation and analysis of the reflection of existentialist ideas in the literary and cultural works of Mostafa Rahimi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, AlZahra University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities

2 Faculty member Alzahra University, Persian Language and literature Department



Existentialism has been one of the influential schools of thought on the ideas that dominate the fictional literature of Iran in the 1340s and 1350s.

The political and social conditions of the society at that time and the feeling of the need to change and apply new ideas as well as the nature of the school of existentialism and its special connection with literature, caused the tendency of intellectuals and writers to this philosophy.

This article examined some of the works of Mostafa Rahimi (1305-1381), author and translator of Sartre's works in Iran, to show how the works of the mentioned period were influenced by existentialist ideas.

Rahimi emphasizes on the frequent and purposeful use of the main components of the philosophy of existentialism such as: primacy of existence, freedom, choice, responsibility, abandonment, emptiness, apprehension and personal originality or existentialist ethics and attention to committed literature in the selected works of this study.

The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and the field of study in that novel is "Accusation", plays "Tiala" and "Anahita" and an article from the collection of articles "Perspectives" by Mostafa Rahimi.


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