Evoking Epic Characters In The Novel As Social Act (Case study: The novel of Tahmineh’s Story)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature Faculty of Letters and Humanities. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad





Today inviting epic characters into novel is one of the main means for writers to express personal and social concerns, the concerns which are directly related to the metatextual context of producing of the work. The purpose of this study is to investigate how and why epic characters are called to this novel, the connection of these elements with the context of the hypertext and also to examine the author's position. Thus in this research, we first analyze the socio-political context of the time of writing the novel (mid-seventies and early eighties in solar calendar). Then, by using the method of qualitative content analysis, text coding and categorization of codes, we have clarified the author's position for or against the contexture of his metatext. It is worth mentioning that we have used the 2020 version of Maxqda software to analyze and extract tables and graphs. Findings of this research show that Mohammad Ali evokes epic characters to his work so that some modernist discourses of the Reform period; including attention to women's rights, their independence and different kinds of social, economic and cultural activities, and in return weaken traditionalist discourses, such as patriarchy, mere motherhood and the lack of independence of women.


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