Discourse Analysis of the Memoris of women in the constitutional and Pahlavi era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran.

3 Faculty member of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies.Tehran, Iran.

4 Ph. D. Student of Persian Language and Literature, Human Science and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran



In this study, based on the discourse analysis approach in the framework of the theory of "James Paul J." and "Ruth wodak", the reflection of prominent elements of female identity in the form of women's memoirs - with reference to four works of the Constitutional and Pahlavi eras - is examined and analyzed. The results of the study show that these works, by using language in situations, open a world that is a construction of the lived experiences of women and the great discourses of tradition and modernity in Iran. Hence, women's narrative in memoirs focuses on highlighting elements and components of women's identity in the modern world and marginalizing the old traditional discourse. The analysis women's memories in one area shows that a new understanding of human identity has been formed and women in terms of identity have gradually moved away from their traditional identities and found new identities that originate from the modern world and pluralism. On the other hand, female memoirists have at the same time been able to obtain a consistent combination of elements of modern and traditional life and redefine their identity based on lived experiences and historical understanding of modern-day relations.


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London: Sage