A Look at Surrealistic Expressions in Sohrab Sepehri Works

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Semnan University

2 M.A. Student in Persian Literatuare, Semnan University


Sohrab Sepehri was one of the contemporary new stylist poets. He had managed to reach at the peaks of the modern poetry along with Nima (the founder of Persian modern poetry) and other great figures of modern Persian poetry such as Shamlu, Forough, and Akhavan Thalith.
Sohrab Sepehri was familiar with the western literature and literary schools; also, he was interested in the eastern mysticism. For this reason, his poems are of a unique taint and composed in a unique manner. Special attention paid to natural elements, attributing extraordinary to the ordinary, and going into surreal may be seen throughout his works. Sepehri's mental and Illuminationist approach has helped him to enter the unthinkable and made his poetry full of surrealist expressions. Showing surrealist expressions in Sepehri's works, the present article tries to study the way Sepehri has been influenced by Jung philosophy and Surrealism so that, in this way, a new knowledge of his poetry may be acquired.
