A Study and Analysis of Social Complaint in Contemporary Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Persian Language and Literature Dept., Isfahan University

2 Ph.D Student Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University


Lyrical literature includes a vast majority of literary works and among them is Complaint. All humans are inclined to complain by instincts. As more sensitive ones in the society, poets view all things with a more delicate look. Hence, they express this literary genre with a different language. Complaint has always been a part of Persian literature. The contemporary poetry has adopted a new approach towards complaint which is expressed in a simpler language. Complaints may be found in five trends in the poets' works: personal, political, philosophical, mystical, and social complaints. Considering the contemporary era and significance of the poets’ social language, the present research tries to study and analyze social complaints in 15contemporary important poets in a historical order. Among these poets, some have composed their poems in classic style and some others have composed poems in modern style.
