Destruction of anchors of action Meaning: Analysis of Shushi turbulence in literary discourse (Case study of the literary discourse system in This dog wants to take Roxana)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university teacher in Azad university, south branch

2 faculty member of Islamic Azad University, south branch

3 Faculty member of PNU



The body of the present study includes the study of semiotics and the analysis of the systems of action of the book "This dog wants to take Roxana" by Qassem Kashkoli. At first, the existing discourse systems will be examined and in the next stage, these discourse systems will be examined interdisciplinary to examine its main features, including action .Then, these characteristics are examined in the form of narrative processes specific to this author and it will be determined what is the place of action and cognition in relation to transcendental functions. So our main issue in this article is to see how the action anchors are destroyed one after the other, giving way to turbulent and indeterminate rays. In fact, the main purpose of this article is how delaying action, mechanization of time, rupture in the connection of action elements cause the destruction of semantic anchors and lead to semantic turbulence. In fact, each of the characteristics of action and eloquence and multiple dimensions of the study of discourse systems in the context of the sign-semantics approach of discourse in this work is somewhat evident. So the key is to see how the action anchors are destroyed one after the other, giving way to turbulent, indeterminate glass. Also, how action suspension, time mechanization, rupture in the connection of action elements, and sudden displacement of narrative elements cause the destruction of semantic anchors and semantic turbulence. Then based on what pattern the semantic-sign process is developed to lead to the production of volatile meanings.
In fact, the present article tries to answer these questions:
1- What factors cause the destruction of semantic anchors in the studied work?
2. What are the most important aspects of the representation of discourse in " this dog wants to take, Roxana" and how do these aspects lead us to a fluid and post-discourse


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