Analysis of relationship between structure and agent in novel Emperatoore Kalamat

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Department of Persian Language and Literature. Faculty of Language and Literature . University of Kurdistan



Stories that are told to teenagers are one of the referable resources for them to better understand the accepted frames of society .These works can also increase their decision-making ability to solve the challenges of entering youth and adulthood. This research is a descriptive-analytical research using David Howarth`s social discourse analysis and Erving Goffman`s theory, analyzes and examines the novel by the Eperatoore Kalamat by Ahmad Akbarpour. Selecting theories about social and sociological discourse analysis is why it is possible to properly analyze the position a writer holds for adolescents. In the opinion of the author of the novel, because adults have more awareness and experience than adolescents are allowed to set paths for teenagers. But in order to follow this path, it is necessary to gain the trust of the teenager by giving him partial decisions and asking him for opinion. These novel describe teenage problems with older adults and adult mistakes in treating teenagers, but they know the key to the communication between these two age groups in the hands of adults and the behavior of teenagers completely dependent on the behavior of older people around them.


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