Shafiei Kadkani’s Ideas and thoughts about Sohrab Sepehri

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.



Sohrab Sepehri's poetry as one of the prominent poets of contemporary Iran, has not been neglected on Shafiei Kadkani behalf and in most of his writings that are Basically about Iran’s contemporary poetry (With lights and mirrors; Persian poetry periods) or have scattered material about Iran’s contemporary poetry and prominent contemporary poets (The poet of mirrors; Contemporary Arabic poetry), We can take his ideas and thoughts about Sohrab Sepehri and VP's poetic art. Sohrab Sepehri is a praiseworthy poet for Shafiei Kadkani; these appreciations can be seen in four areas: Along with praising contemporary Iranian poetry, along with praising modern Iranian poetry, along with praising the influence of modern Iranian poetry on European literary developments and Sepehri's praise in connection with himself.
Also based on Shafiee Kadkani's Theory of Following Contemporary Poetry from the Literary Developments of Europe in Recent Centuries, Sepehri's influence on European literature can be seen in several areas, like Influenced by S. J. Pers, J. A. Prévert and Eliot Especially in Hybridization and His penchant for Buddhism and Far Eastern mysticism. Although in Shafiei’s opinion Hybridization, has been damaged To Sepehri's poem in his last poetry book, especially regarding to having meaning and Aesthetic facts.


Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1970). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
Eliot, T. S (1963). Collected Poems: 1920- 1962. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company.
Wright, Wilmer C. (1907). A Short History of Greek Literature. New York: American Book Co.