Document Type : Research Paper




Cixous, like Lacan, sees language as theorem. Therefore, by inviting "feminine writing", he intends to deconstruct the language. Inspired by Derrida, Cixous rejects signals with fixed and clear meanings. Accordingly, the most important feature of women's writing is ambiguity and ambiguous metaphors. The present article seeks to examine how feminine writing is formed in the plot of "Purple Pencil". In this regard, in the main elements of the story (in characters, actions, causal relationships), he discovers and interprets fluid and multimodal signs, according to the paradigms of the theory of "feminine writing", in a descriptive analytical method. The results show that: First, feminine writing is not merely based on the style and form of writing (story superstructure), but through a Cixous character, and the causal relationships of the events of the story, can have a plural appearance (deep in the story construction); Second, the way out of gender repression is through language. The research that has been done so far, according to the Cixous Yi approach, has often paid attention to the style of expression and the poetic techniques of form. The innovation of the present study is that, firstly, it expands women's writing, from the level of style and manner of expression, to the level of plot and theme. Second, it examines, for the first time, the Cixous approach to women's writing in the context of children's fiction.


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