A Study of the Structural and ContentChanges of Popular Novels in IranBased on Selected Novels

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Imam Khomeini International University,qazvin, iran

2 Associate Professor of Imam Khomeini International University



The Islamic Revolution of Iran is the most influential factor in the historical-cultural transformation of contemporary Iran, which, along with fundamental changes in the intellectual, social, political, etc., also rapidly transformed the country's literary system. One of these areas of the literary system is the novel. Popular novels have significant cultural, social, and historical implications for a nation's culture due to their large audience. Popular (yellow) novels, like other literary systems, have been influenced by historical-cultural changes and are constantly evolving. The present study tries to investigate some of the developments of these novels in structure and content by descriptive-analytical method, relying on selected novels. To examine these developments, the decade has been the criterion and the coordinates of these novels in different decades have been studied. Changes in the way of narration, characterization, theme and especially the way of looking at women are among the developments that this research has achieved in these novels.The research process shows that the change in the way of narration, characterization, theme and especially the way of looking at women are among the changes that have taken place in these novels and these novels in their natural evolution in some features approach elitist novels but; They have always distinguished themselves from them in many other respects.


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