The dialectic of subjectivity and objectivity and Identity of subject and object in the theory and poetry of Nima Youshij

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamedan, Iran

2 Head of Department of Persian Language and Literature of Bu-Ali Sina University



Objectivity is one of the main and most important concepts in Nima Yooshij poetic theory. Some critics have found his poems completely objective, meanwhile they consider some of his poems subjective, thus it seems that his theory and poetry are contradicted. Some other critics have given a different definition to this concept by incorrectly attributing it to other components of his theory and poetry. By taking Nima's views in to consideration and also paying attention to the historical course of these concepts in his poetry, it is clear that the basis of Nima's thinking and approach is dialectical and according to the views of philosophers such as Hegel and Marx, he has identified subject and object. And finally, without distorting the principle of objectivism he has overcome the contradiction between the two in favor of objectivity; thus he himself becomes a part of that objectivity.
In other words, what has misled critics in facing these concepts is the fact that they did not understand this dialectical opposition. Paying attention to Nima's dialectical structure is very useful in understanding and analyzing his poems. In this article, in addition to outlining his approach in this area, some of the mistakes and problems of the critics in dealing with his poetry have been solved by criticizing four poems of him.


Lacey, A. R (1996), A Dictionary of Philosophy, Third Edition, London, Routledge Publication.
Rorty, Richard (1979), Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, first published, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.