The Flourishing of Literary Criticism in the Twenties

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of KHU

2 kharazmi university



The Flourishing of Literary Criticism in the Twenties
With the onset of World War II and the departure of Reza Shah from the country, a relatively open political and social atmosphere was formed in Iran in the 1940s/1320s (A.H(. As the activities of the parties began, literary journals were published with a new approach and the "first Iranian Writers' Congress" was convened. Taken together, these factors provided a good basis for the development of literary criticism. Today, with the passing of time, one can better appreciate the developments of that period, and it is evident that leftist thinking was the dominant element of literary criticism in the twenties, such that the two other streams of literary criticism at that time, namely, academic criticism. And romantic criticism were also affected by it. In addition to the ideological criticism that was characteristic of Ehsan Tabari and also Morteza Keyvan during this decade, the academic criticism based on the scholarly approach of the Orientalists to Persian classical literary texts in this period provided new capacities. A prominent representative of this trend in the twenties was Fatemeh Sayyah. Another stream of criticism, which was relatively a new approach emerging from the controversy of old and new trends, was romantic criticism. A prominent representative of this trend in the twenties was Nima Yushij. In order to understand more about the critical approaches of this decade, the works of its prominent representatives have been reviewed and analyzed; moreover, due to his unquestionable influence, the works of Morteza Keyvan have been mentioned, and it is discussed how such individuals became the proponents of a new literary criticism which had begun in the constitutional period.
Twenties; Academic Criticism; Romantic Criticism; Ideological Criticism; Literary Criticism


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