The Study of Archetypal Shadow in Mehdi Akhavan Sales' Poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1  Lecturer at the University of Urmia

2 M.A. of Persian Language and Literature, University of Urmia


According to Jung's analytical psychology, human psycho is built on a psycho system that is named Archetype. This study investigates Archetype of shadow that is the most important Archetype in Akhavan Sales' poems. Since shadow Archetype has negative function in human personality, this study investigates the positive function of shadow Archetype and its reflection in poems and life of the poet, in addition to its negative function. Since Jung posited that symbols are apparent forms of latent Archetype and deep dreams, and considers artistic and literary creation the contexts for their recovery and expression, the Shadow Archetype emerges from the negative symbolic personalities. Shaghad Daghiyanos, Alexander, zane joghd, and talisman are examples of these negative symbolic characters.
