Manifestation of Myth in M. Sereshk’s (Shafiei Kadkani) Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 MA. Persian languages and literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan


Myth has a very close connection with Art specially poetry; myth has its roots in nation’s culture and civilization and literature is truly one of factors making nations’ culture & civilization eternal; myth poets, nurture their people’s main and dreams and by connecting the old time myths with their time beliefs, through an inner process in the collective unconscious, they make the myths active and restored;
Myth reflection in M. Sereshk’s poetry is salient; he has such a profound connection to literature and ethnic culture and a very comprehensive look in their regard that their beliefs, myths and major events are reflected  in his poem:  he loves mankind and virtuous men are mythically manifested superior to time and in his poetry;
The present Research analyzes manifestation of myth general concept and in a historical super-historical context in five groups:
A)      National-Ethnic Myths Manifestation
B)      Prophets Myths Manifestation
C)      Gnostic Myth Manifestation
D)      Poets Myth Manifestation
E)      Supranational-Super-world Myth Manifestation
