Word Repetition, a Through of Foregrounding in Monzavi`s Lyric

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Urmia University

2 MA. Persian languages and literature, Urmia University


Word repetition and substitution in the body of the text, are among the factors that cause alienation ion of the poets language. One of the distinguishing features of Monzavi`s poetic language is this “Word repetition”. Not only does this prevailing “word repetition” feature as the prominent characteristic of Monzavi`s poetry, and direct the reader’s attention away from the content of utterance toward its underlying message, but it also affects the semantic structure of his lyrics. It`s also note worthy that Monzavi has employed other literary and artistic elements, such as “contract”, Multiple meaning”,”taxis” and …, in addition to word repetition. The current study is after probing word repetition as of Monzavi`s resources in developing his poetic language.
