The Comparative Study of the Islamic Economics and the Economy of Capitalism

Document Type : Research Paper


Student of Ph.D. Persian languages and literature, Allameh Tabatabai University


   Novels created by women in recent years are similar in many aspects. It seems that women novelists, deliberately or not, follow the same principle in writing their novels. The present paper primarily aims to prove that there are similarities in four novels. Structuralism is the approach put into effect to analyze the issue whereas it studies literature with a general and self-sufficient standpoint. Through structuralism, major similarities and purposes of these novels will be unveiled in a number of story elements especially in plot. More or less, the novels share major structural similarities in plot. The main reason behind such similarities is the same cultural situation the creators of these novels live in that leads to the same mental structures used in writing the novels. This paper, firstly explain structuralism concisely. Afterward in the chapter Argument, studies the structuralists' viewpoints that intercommunicate with this paper. Discusses cases in association with plot and specialized viewpoints structuralism about it. Following the plan, third chapter provides a case study on the plot at four novels which shows plot of these four novels, follow the one plan; and finally, the last chapter analyzes the findings of the research and provides a conclusion as well.
