Representation of the Sub-Conscious in Narration from a Psychoanalytical Approach: A Study of Stream of Consciousness in Sadegh Hedayat’s “Tomorrow”

Document Type : Research Paper




Existentialist and post-structuralist theories are frequently-employed approaches in reading Sedegh Hedayat’s works. Some critics investigate evidences of absurdity in Hedayat’s works which lead to a nihilist reading of the author’s fiction. The present research adopts a psychoanalytical approach in order to demonstrate the shifting psychological status of characters in “Tomorrow,” from the conscious to sub-conscious, and the representation of the unconscious in the narrative. Regarding interior monologue as the primary form of stream of consciousness, this paper analyses the narration and its modes in the short story. Following the modernism movement, Hedayat introduced a new narration pattern instead of the traditional realistic narration of Persian contemporary literature. Interior monologue, stream of consciousness, fragmentary narration, multiple points of view, and combination of various timelines as modernistic techniques of narration are of considerable significance in fiction. As primary modernistic attempts in Persian contemporary fiction, “Tomorrow” focuses on a worker who is murdered in a proletarian protest. “Mahdi Zaghi” narrates his situation before the murder scene and “Gholam” narrates his condition after Mahdi’s death. These narrations illustrate interior struggles of characters which end in a stream of consciousness extract perching on Gholam’s unconsciousness.


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