.A Survey on some drawbacks of the curriculum of Narrative Literature for the M.A of Persian Language and Literature regarding designing curriculum

Document Type : Research Paper




This study aims to introduce, describe, analyze, and evaluate critically some drawbacks of the curriculum authorized by the Ministry of Science and Technology for the course of Narrative Literature for the M.A of Persian Language and Literature. The development of fields of study and various majors in higher education are the pre-requirements for scientific, economic, political, cultural, and social progress in different societies. Thus, it is extremely essential to cater for designing curriculums for these fields, being all in all contributive to the scientific and educational conditions of the society. The accurate planning and the design of a curriculum can be reflected in the success or failure of any field of study. Recently, there has been an attempt by the Persian Language and Literature curriculum designers to authorize, define, describe, and design a curriculum for the course of Narrative Literature at the M.A level. However, through analyzing this curriculum, one can find its incoherence and inconsistency, meaning that it seems hard to achieve the aims stated in the published curriculum if it is executed in the higher education centers. This is because the curriculum neither stands on needs-analysis, nor are the aims, contents, procedures, and evaluations of the course taken into consideration. It is imperative to take into account some of these drawbacks for later modification. The pitfalls of the curriculum can be categorized into two general groups: firstly, the program does not consider the basis of planning, aims, contents, procedures, and evaluations of the curriculum; secondly, the program is outlined too general, the topics are unrelated, the references are outdated, and the description of the course is not much related to Narrative Literature. This study endeavors to discuss these two criticisms considering the theoretical and practical foundations of curriculum studies, and then propose some resolutions.


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