Analysis of Verb Moods used in Salman Harati’s Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper



Salman Harati (1365-1338), one of the poets committed to the Islamic Revolution literature in contemporary style and resistance. Salman’s poetry is clear and smooth, honest and sincere. Salman poetic language is that of the Islamic Revolution. He uses many techniques to promote his poem. The use of different verb moods and its distinct roles. Verb mood is a syntactic-semantic issue which is a means of expressing the narrator’s view of the content. In fact the declarative, potential and imperative moods show the potentiality of an action taking place. In Persian today: we have these three moods. Using a qulatitative-quantitaive approach this paper tries to show the function of these moods to in order for him to give it a poetical feature. The results of this study indicate that although he uses many mood functions the declarative mood is applied more in comparison to potential and imperative moods.


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