Short Story around the World; World Analysis Comparison in Mostafa Mastoor and Raymond Carver’s Short Stories

Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadys, Literature and in particular, short-story is considered as a kind of art that has its own rules which can be learned by hard reading and lots of efforts. We can study short stories focusing on characters, quality of expressions and length. Also It can be studied using the relatively neoteric comparative literature in the “relations and influences” of literature in common elements of literature at different languages.
Raymond Carver and Mostafa Mastoor are two great writers that have achieved some success in the contemporary literature and they were indicated the common concepts of human life such as suffering, love, fear, treachery, etc.
The goal of this article is to comparatively study the two writers’ works that have similarities and differences because of difference in experience and depth in their point of view.
These two writers, in spite of different geographical, historical and socio-cultural origins using common story language and skillful representation of character change, turning inward on oneself and a change into meaningful and spirited human origins, in the time of unbelievable things, denial, doubt, solitude and defenselessness succeeded in creating everlasting short stories.


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