The Study of Form Games in Persian Postmodern Novels in the 80’s

Document Type : Research Paper



Form games is one of the new techniques that postmodernist authors use to challenge the familiar forms of writing. Postmodernists using methods like creating special signs between lines or margin of pages, inserting images between the texts or typing the words and sentences in particular ways make changes in the shape of their novels. This article intends to consider this technique in a number of Persian postmodern novels in the 80’s. (Aftabparast-e-nazanin, Frankoula, Rood- e- ravi and Bazi) and explain how and why these writers use this method. After the research, we conclude that these authors using this technique innovate in the structure of novels and creating incoherence, with the use of visual effects attempt to make the readers to achieve deep layers of perception and somehow distinct from the text.


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