Survey of Three New Types of Rhymes in Mashroutah Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper



Persian poetry evolved as a result of the familiarity with western literature in terms of both content and form. One of the types of evolution in Persian poetry in Mashrouteh era is to utilize several new types of rhymes that belonged to the west literature and was unprecedented in our classic literature and Mashrouteh poets were familiar with these types of rhymes through Turkish poetry which entered into modernity age before the Iranian literature in association with the western world and were applied in their poems.
Reluctance from the monotony of the old literature on the one hand, and the enthusiasm for modernity and novelty and the need of entry into the new fields of poetry in that age on the other hand, were important factors of evolution in this type. In Mashrouteh poem, these evolutions were the beginning of modernity in Persian poem which new one were shaped by these evolutions along with other factors. In this article, we examined three types of rhymes of western poem in Mashrouteh poem, namely:
1. Alternate rhyme
2. Enclosed rhyme
3. Chain rhyme
Through these three mentioned rhymes, cruciform rhyme had high popularity among Mashrouteh era poets and many pioneer poets even their traditionalists in that era employed this rhyme, but the other types were used less than the first one.


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