The Reflection of Social Commitment and Home-related Thoughts in the Poetry of Committed Poets (Abu al-Qasim Shabbi and Iqbal Lahoori)

Document Type : Research Paper



The works completed based on social commitment refers to a set of works that reveal the ugliness and tyranny of the oppressors in different political, cultural, economic and social fields and seek to transfer these concepts with an artistic language to their audience. In line with this, study of reflections of social commitments and the thoughts related to the home country in the works by committed artists is a valuable and remarkable investigation by the researchers of literature and sociology.
This paper attempts to study the social commitment and home country-related thoughts in the poetry of the committed poets in the 20th century, namely Iqbal Lahoori and Abu al-Qasim Shabbi, and to introduce the common points and different thoughts of these two in the field of literature of resistance. In this study, the opinions and thoughts of Iqbal Lahoori, the Pakistani poet and scholar who is the last well-known Persian-writing poem in India, are compared with the thoughts of Abu al-Qasim Shabbi, the young Tunisian poet.
It should be mentioned that anti-colonialist thoughts have a special place in the political poems of these two poets. However, Iqbal relied on his own philosophy and tried to awaken the Muslim nation, while Shabbi founded his revolutionary thoughts against colonist powers based on strengthening the will and determination of people in the world.


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