Nima Yooshij: Parallel of Poetry, Fiction and Drama in Theory and Singing

Document Type : Research Paper



Any drama puts its foundations and existence on elements whose strength and weakness – regardless of the effect in being and lasting – make the work float between a fiction and a drama. These elements include personality, time, place, dialogue, etc.
Seeking transition from the elements of tradition in the past poetry, NimaYooshij introduced drama-fiction elements to poetry to expand the descriptive range of poems and allow more space for the poet to express his thoughts. To continue this way, he wrote "Myth", which was a representation of a modern attitude in the field of literature.
This research first deals with the extraction of theories by Nima on the identity and ways by which drama-fiction elements in poetry – in the prose works of Nima – are present. Then, all the points mentioned are explored and investigated practically in Nima's collection of poems to display the level and manner of applying these elements in Nima's poems.
Based on statistics obtained from Nima's poems, the levels of applying drama elements in Nima's poetry are roughly as follows: plot 68%, personality 46.5%, dialogue 50%, time 57%, and place 57%. On this basis, one can argue that all poems by Nima do not observe his theories.


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