A Comparison of Time Element between the Two Novels Welcome to Hades and A Journey to Oriented 270

Document Type : Research Paper



Plot together with its relation to time, among other elements, plays a basic role in how a novel is narrated; since the way actions between characters and narrator’s point of view- as other important elements of narrative- arepresented in the chain of plot’s sequence of time, show the personal style and fictional techniques. However, it should be considered that the narrative’s essence and its thematic background have a fundamental role in the chronological quality of a novel. Therefore this paper tries to use a descriptive-analytic approach, on the basis of Gerard Genette’s theory of narratology, to contrast the element of time in sequence of plot in two novels: the novel of Welcome to Hades, written by Belgheys Soleymani, presenting a female perspective of the war and its outcomes, and the novel A journey to Oriented 270, written by Ahmad Dehghan, presenting a male outlook of the imposed war. On the basis of this theory in analyzing the chronology in novel, it can be said that Welcome to Hades, from the perspective of chronological quality has more chronological disorders in comparison with A Journey to Oriented 270. The fact that shows that Belgheys Soleimani’s modernist and postmodernist correlating style and use of mythical narration capabilities have affected her novel’s chronological disorder.


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